

A vector is an aggregate of innate qualities, desires, and abilities defining a person's thinking, regarding his values and the way he lives life.

Every vector corresponds to a sensitive canal for either receiving or sending information about oneself. The sensitive canal is called an erogenous zone in System-Vector Psychology. There are eight vectors (erogenous zones): 

  • urethral
  • anal
  • dermal
  • muscular
  • audial
  • visual
  • oral
  • olfactory

A vector set is a combination of vectors in one person. Depending on the combination, a stable life scenario is formed and sometimes complexes.

A quartile is a component or part of an eight-dimensional V. Ganzen's matrix.  The eight vectors fit in like any observable reality of the world. There are four quartiles:

  • The space quartile (the dermal and muscular vectors)
  • The time quartile (the urethral and anal vectors)
  • The information quartile (the audial and visual vectors)
  • The energy quartile (the olfactory and oral vectors)

Contrary vectors are the vectors of the different quartiles with contradictory qualities: the urethral and olfactory vectors, the urethral and dermal vectors, the dermal and anal vectors etc.

Complementary vectors are the vectors of the same quartile with complementary qualities: the audial and visual vectors, the olfactory and oral vectors, etc. The muscular vector is an exception. It is complementary to all vectors.

A dominant vector is the vector whose qualities prevail over the other qualities of the vector’s connections. There are three dominant vectors:

  • urethral
  • audial
  • olfactory

A polymorph is a person who has three or more vectors.

complex is a stable, negative life scenario that appears when a person has a definite connective of vectors. System-Vector Psychology defines the following complexes:

  • The good boy complex
  • The butterfly complex
  • The fanatic complex
  • The witch complex
  • The querulous complex
  • The suicide complex
  • The Oedipus complex

The exception is the passionarity complex (a union of the urethral and olfactory vectors). In this case, the given scenario isn't negative. However, the person will experience difficult states due to the extreme contrariety of the vectors.

A role is the function of a vector in a primitive group. Only men have roles. The exception is a dermal-visual woman.

The 'right to eat' describes a person's right to food and a woman. Only men possess these rights, excluding anal-visual and dermal-visual men.

An archetype is a metaphysical task of a vector.

The archetypical state of a vector is a state that wasn't developed and remains as it was in a primitive group. The qualities weren't developed to meet the conditions of the modern world. For example: a man of the dermal vector is a natural hunter. (If the qualities aren't developed, this means he may be considered a thief in the modern world.)When this vector is developed, man is a legislator.

An archetypical person is an underdeveloped person who behaves according to his underdeveloped, not sublimed, vector qualities.

Temperament is the strength of innate desire, the degree of vector manifestation. A temperament is the collective degree of all vectors a person possesses.

Development is the period from birth to the end of puberty when vector qualities are developing, keeping in mind that development must occur for every vector one possesses.

Realization is an application of developed, per-pubescent qualities onto a landscape. The realization of innate qualities brings pleasure and satisfaction to one's life. Realization is not a fact. It is a process.

Puberty is the age between twelve and fifteen when a person's psyche is maturing in order to take responsibility for his own life. It is a crucial moment when the development of innate qualities is finished.

Sublimation is a realization of vector qualities on a level which is more adequate to the landscape. For example: the dermal vector sublimation in the modern world is engineering and legislation.

Vector neurosis is when vector qualities become negative and opposite. People can get neurosis during development. It is almost impossible to fix.

A landscape is the reality surrounding the person.

Landscape pressure is caused by external factors which influence one's psyche. Landscape pressure causes stress. Each vector a person has reacts. If the reaction is adequate and allows one to cope successfully with stress; this is called 'landscape adaptation'.

Super stress is the stress to which a person can't adapt. As a consequence, the person is permanently kicked into an archetypical state.

The pleasure principle is a Freudian principle that concurs with System-Vector Psychology. When a person satisfies his vector desires, he experiences pleasure, joy, and happiness. Every person aims to experience those feelings. Thus, he moves in the direction of the fulfillment of his innate vector desires if his vector is developed and realized. When being in frustrated or neurotic states, he tends to take the smallest pleasure even while living in a negative and inadequate scenario.

The rule of 7+1 states that the given qualities of the seven vectors manifest one way. In one vector, it manifests differently. For example: all vectors want to take pleasure inward, but the urethral vector, by nature, is giving. Another example: all vectors have the libido directed to the opposite sex except for the anal one, which has an undifferentiated libido.

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Article was read by 5024 people.
Posted on: October 15, 2013
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