Position in the human pack

Position in the human pack

Define your position in the human pack - understand your essence and get to see your role

As children we often say that we want to be “a fire-fighter” or “a ballet dancer”, and certainly, we are not supposed to become one. But when later, we actually choose our future profession, the consequences of the wrong choice can be devastating. It is sad to see elderly people bitterly disappointed with life and saying something like, “I have wasted my life. I wish I could turn back time and devote myself to medical profession instead!” Unconsciously, we seem to know which career could be the most fulfilling for us, but very often we fail to make the right choice. 

How to understand yourself better? 

How to know your role in society and live your life efficiently?

People have a lot in common; however, in some ways we are absolutely different. Is it possible to systematize and classify the unconscious processes behind our behavior and thoughts?


Some theory

Psychotype (or vector) is a set of some innate desires which form our personality, define our thinking, behavior, sexuality and even our life scenario.

Vector Systems Psychology distinguishes 8 vectors. Every vector corresponds to a sensitive zone in human body which is directly connected with the psyche. The vectors are dermal, anal, urethral, muscular, visual, audial, oral and olfactory. The connection between human psychic and body (no matter how paradoxical it may seem) was discovered by Sigmund Freud and described in his “Character and Anal Erotism”. On the basis of these discoveries a crucial breakthrough in understanding of human psyche has recently been achieved in the field of Vector Systems Psychology. Yuri Burlan is the leading developer of this science. 

Each psychotype not only has its desires but is also provided with abilities to satisfy them in a socially acceptable way. Any individual separated from the group obviously has very few chances to survive. It concerns everything – a fungal colony, a pack of wolves or human society – all living beings tend to form groups. Every person has indisputable right to take his place in the human “pack” by performing his role.

The mechanism of getting satisfaction from your job is quite simple – you need to find out your innate role in human society. Performing this natural role will make everybody happy. We call it “social realization” – the process of using your skills and abilities for the benefit of the whole group. In the modern consumer society we may entertain the illusion that our personal benefit is more important. However, ways of nature are beyond controversy and only realization in society can guarantee genuine satisfaction from life. 

What is your therapist concerned with at the moment? Is he thinking of saving somebody’s life or calculating his monthly salary?  

For better understanding of our innate roles in a group let us take a closer look at the interaction of ancient people in a primitive society where each person used to have only one vector. 


A person of the urethral vector is the first in the pack and responsible for the survival of the group as a whole. He is a man of great passion and bursting vitality, crowds can be carried away just by his presence. His innovative approach and non-standard thinking can put any ideas into effect! Such a person can become the head of a big company or enterprise. On the other hand, it is him who becomes the head of a criminal gang too. They enjoy absolute freedom, and nobody can either subdue or restrain them. Their lightning reaction knows no hesitation and they can only move forward!


He is always behind the throne, the chief’s nearest advisor. The olfactory vector is the “grey eminence” in the pack. He never does anything with his own hands, he controls the masses through the chief. He is the one involved in big politics or finances. Olfactory men either hold positions in top management or become the biggest thieves, whom you can never catch red-handed. In the most unperceivable ways they always “feel” the right path for the group as a whole, and unconsciously follow it. 


A person of an audial vector is the ideological leader (inspirer) of the group. Up to the moment when he was struck by the thought about the meaning of life (“Who am I?”) his main function had been to attentively listen to the sounds in the night savanna and alert others of an approaching danger. Even now, the evening and night hours are the best time for an audial person – he stays up late surfing the internet, reading books or listening to music, as for the morning – getting up early is quite a difficult task for him. 

A job with flexible working hours is the most suitable for them, for example, they can be good at programming or freelancing. The most physicist, writers, philosophers, musicians are also people of the audial vector. Submerged into themselves, in search for the First Cause – they seldom concentrate on the material world. 


People of the visual vector are emotional, lively and tend to easily fall in love. Their eyes are highly sensitive, and this fact allowed them to perform their main function in a primitive society – to detect the enemy hiding in the bushes, to experience a huge fear and warn the group about danger. In the modern world, they are sensitive and creative individuals and often choose to become an actor or an artist, a designer or a photographer. 

In a developed state they are able to feel the highest degree of love, compassion , sympathy, empathy and thus, to become the most efficient psychologists, doctors or social workers. 


The oral vector…. His flow of speech can never be interrupted. He is completely in his element on any discourse, debate or a simple chat. He can become a talented speaker, a showman or an anchorman, and a crowd would listen to him and take his words as their own ideas. He is an incomparable humorist, clown, joker, and a source of positive inspiration for a large audience.


Akin to our skin separating our body from the outer world, a dermal person puts boundaries around time and space, saves resources and food supplies, so that they are not eaten in one go, but stretched for several days. Dermal people always have something saved for a rainy day. 
Driven by the inborn desire to economize they become talented engineers (it is better to build a bridge than go the rounds), lawyers, businessmen or inventors of new technologies. 
Speed, ambitions, leadership, success, profit, advantage are the keywords of the dermal vector. However, in an undeveloped state because of their desire to economize they grow into petty thieves, like freebies, free things or acquire a destructive life scenario, and in an effort to save on little things, they lose everything. 


A man of an anal vector is usually a highly qualified, responsible and reliable worker. The problem may arise when this person is promoted to a senior position – it would inevitably lead the enterprise to stagnation. In this case he would act as an indecisive, hesitant person, constantly looking back upon their past experience. He works slowly and brings everything to perfection. They are the people of exceptional knowledge and remarkable memory. They are scientists, writers, teachers, historians. In a primitive society they used to guard the cave while other men went hunting. Even now, they are home birds and do not want to move up the career ladder.


The muscular vector is the foundation of a human group. These people are strong, sturdy, able to perform manual labor, and take pleasure in it. “Did you have a good rest?”– “Yes, definitely! I set a new fence, dug the garden, cut some wood!” These people are easily influenced and don’t have a personal opinion, they are the most diligent and assiduous workers. They are action-minded and learn from actions. Then always do things as they were shown to. 



The world is changing, so we are. Today one vector is not enough for the effective adaptation in the city. One person can be of 3 or 4 vectors. That makes his psyche more complex and provides more opportunities for professional and personal growth. 

Even a small piece of information can reveal a lot about a person. For example, if someone is a reader of sites, books on spirituality, psychology, we can say with certainty that the person is of the visual and audial vectors. But more interesting thing is to explore yourself, to be able to consider all opportunities and ways that life has for you and realize yourself to the fullest!

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5013 people.
Posted on: May 28, 2013
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