The olfactory vector

The olfactory vector

Still waters run deep...
Even your grandma wouldn’t know whether it will be rain or snow
Forewarned is forearmed
Don’t upset the apple cart!

 less than 1%

Archetype: to survive at any cost

Role: Strategic agent, chief’s counselor, shaman


The highest comfort color is purple (although gray is preferable in clothes)
The highest comfort geometry is a zigzag
Position in the quartile is the inner part of energy quartile, an introvert 
Type of intellect is intuitive, nonverbal and strategic


Some time ago, the human sense of smell was considered to be atavistic (i.e, evolutionary “throwback”). However, we perceive the most important information through sensing conscious and subconscious smells - pheromones.

Information that runs through our sense organs partially become realized and unrealized - for example, my body physically feels when somebody has touched me, but I don’t pay attention to (I don’t “realize”) the constant touch of the shirt against my body.

The same thing happens within an olfactory organ. There are receptors inside the nose that are responsible for dividing smells into the good, the bad and the so-called “nerve zero” which discerns pheromones. Everything that happens among people is based on pheromones. They control two of the most important processes: ranking (the hierarchy among men) and the sexual attraction between men and women. “Nerve zero” is the most sensitive zone of the olfactory vector.

Pheromones are subconscious smells that communicate to a person more than he can ever realize. Pheromones reflect emotions, states and subconscious desires. On one hand if your mood changes, your smell changes. On the other hand, a smell can change your mood, or emotional state.

A man of the olfactory type“smells” your mood and thoughts and believes them to be far stinkier than a rubbish heap. To an olfactory man, the world is a source of different kinds of smells, none of which he finds appealing. The scent of emotion and thought gives him a sense of imperfection within human nature. Therefore the olfactory man wears a mask of aversion all his life. People of the olfactory type fall into the “stench” just after being born. They despise people, with the attitude that “everyone is below me,” and haven't the slightest desire to make contact with others.

The olfactory archetype is to survive at any cost, and the key to survival is information. The olfactory person receives unique information not available to others by means of pheromonal perception. It gives them the possibility to control, divide and rule.

At the same time, no one really knows anything about an olfactory man. He always stands to the side just within sight in case he has to run to save his own life. An olfactory person does not have a scent, so nobody can detect them. People of the other vectors react with uncontrollable fear to their absence of smell. We can see them with our eyes, but cannot really perceive them as living beings. This is how people of the olfactory typeinfluences people on a subconscious level.

People of the olfactory type can realize themselves only through the survival of the group. They despise insignificant people because of their stinky stupidity.

“My life is nothing, the group’s life is everything” - this is the way the urethral man thinks. The olfactory man, however, does not care about the group - with the exception of one thing: they need a group for their own survival (no one can survive alone). In primitive society, the olfactory man became the chief’s counselor; today he serves as a secret agent.

Foreign intelligence service of this nature is meant to avert danger. If a day guard (the visual type) looks around and says there is no danger, and a nocturnal guard (the auditory type) listens to the night and says there’s is no danger then it falls on the olfactory man to further detect any possible danger. Perhaps they say that the group must not go to a particular area to hunt and - without understanding why - others will learn to believe him. Later, everybody finds out that there was a real danger there and credit is awarded to the olfactory man.

Domestic intelligence service is meant to alert others of danger from within the group. The group survives under the condition that everyone executes their innate function. That is why the olfactory man pokes his nose into other people’s affairs. He keeps an eye on everyone to see that they work and play their parts and he gets rid of those who are useless to the group. This is the reason why people of the visual type have the primitive fear of olfactory men that they express with, “I somehow feel that this person is not good.”

There is a big collusion between urethral chief and an olfactory counselor. The chief is the one who tolerates the counselor because he offers the chief the best means of survival. The olfactory man only becomes a counselor because chief saves him from the group’s hatred. 

The goal “to survive at any cost” is a non-stop process. We can imagine that it stops on the very second that the world collapses. Therefore, the most sensitive zone of the olfactory man, his nose, never rests.His sleep is always superficial. He always wakes up at the most critical moments and has no idea why.

It is the olfactory men who become the main characters of stories like, “In the middle of the night I went to the store and while I was out, my house burnt down,” or, “I was late for the flight and later found out that the plane had crashed.”

Olfactory people possess uniquely intuitive nonverbal intellect. It is not a type of intellect as we usually understand the term. They do not make analyses, nor try to imagine or understand anything. Instead, olfactory men have the most accurate and vivid feelings of what and how to do things based on perceived pheromones. It is simply impossible to voice these feelings.


The olfactory vector does not have keywords. No language has ever given exact names for smells. Olfactory thoughts are best expressed by their younger brother in the energy quartile - the oral type.  As far as the goal “to survive at any cost” goes, it is critical that survival is not limited within the norms of morals, culture, or ethics.

The olfactory man exclusively concerns himself with saving the body. Neither culture nor morals bind him, but life as it is (not of one person, but the whole group, since the group is essential for survival).Cultural and ethical limits are not put on the olfactory vector. If the olfactory type is limited, every one dies.  For that same reason, they do not differentiate between lies and truth. They never lie because, for them, there is no such thing.

Developed olfactory men have adapted to categorize lies and truth or good and evil, but they do not sense it deep down and do not perform their role by using these categories. In other words, the olfactory man works in the spheres where the categories of truth and lies are not needed, but the provision of survival is important. They may get involved in politics, finance, or science. They want to control any threats to their survival and this becomes their profession.

Modern foreign intelligence services are becoming a thing of the past. The world is global, and cosmopolitan borders between countries are becoming diluted; Internet removes all possible limits. Some famous secret service agents we know, for example, are Sidney Reilly and Rudolf Abel.

Foreign strategic intelligence has developed into politics. Olfactory people establish relations between groups following their directive “to survive at any cost.” By becoming powerful politicians, ministers of finance, ministers of foreign affairs, etc., they make policy out of deterrence. They do not use the value of morals as their basis: “France has no friends but interests.”

All financial systems were created – and, even today, are controlled – by olfactory men. Famous financiers to consider are John Snow, Genry Paulson, Alexei Kudrin, and Alexander Shokhin. 

Nowadays, olfactory intelligence seeks to discover threats to the micro-world. The olfactory scientists are those who research the unknown in fields where there is a threat against survival. They simply call it “curiosity.” When combined with the appropriate ability, it produces world-class scientists who make breakthroughs (for example, the discovery of penicillin).


Underdeveloped olfactory people are considered to be sneaks, or intriguers, who often become victims of their own intrigue. Archetypical olfactory men become the most horrid serial killers and maniacs. They execute their innate function directly (i.e. they physically eliminate people who are not able to perform their tasks for the group).

The olfactory child who is inclined to be melancholy does not want to socialize. Nobody in their class or neighborhood likes them. They feel as if they are under constant threat. The child tries to avoid this threat and stay at home under any excuse. If parents positively reinforce such behavior, the child grows to become a sneak with a bad future who will suffer from intrigues. 

It is necessary to understand that to properly bring up an olfactory child means that one must push him into society (school, clubs or sports, for example). This is what they really need. The child strains every nerve to survive among others in an effort not to be hit in his sensitive zone. This is how they learn to execute their role - to survive at any cost.

For more detailed information about the peculiarities of the rare and amazing olfactory type, join a full training course on System-Vector Psychology that begins with three free lectures which you are welcome to listen to!

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5016 people.
Posted on: May 25, 2013
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