Stress that does not exist

Stress that does not exist

“Nervous stress”, the doctor says shrugging his shoulders. In the modern world every person undergoes stressful situations. Stress is a plague of the 21th century and not all people are able to adapt to the sharp changes of the environment. 

According to medicine, stress is a reaction of an organism to environmental conditions when homeostasis and the nervous system fail. It doesn't matter whether the reason of this stress is positive or negative: if the conditions aren't in balance, an organism gets stressed and it is far from being a pleasant feeling. Psychology of stress is more complex though. 

People are different. So, it is obvious that stress is handled in different ways by each of us. Some are scared of riding a bicycle, some enjoy the adrenaline of skydiving. Some are thinking of ways to commit suicide, some people won't have a such thought pass through their minds. They often say that a person who tends to be nervous stresses out faster than a relaxed and calm one. How is it possible to know where the boundary is between a norm and conditions that provoke stress in any individual? 


How do we fight stress? They say that the best ways to do it are to simply rest and relax. Will it work for a person who has just attempted to commit suicide? 

To answer the question, “How to fight stress?” it is necessary to know the reason for it. A true reason roots itself in our subconsciousness. 

Vector Systems psychology arranges human qualities and reactions into eight groups. It lets us find the true reason of stress andmakes the necessary changes which can remove or lessen stress. 

Eight vectors shape a person's nature and write his life's scenario. Every vector possesses specific abilities directed to any situation. For example, a person with the dermal vector whose role is one of a hunter; a person with the anal vector, who is assiduous, can perform work of a high quality, his psyche is rigid and inflexible so it doesn't provide him with the ability to adapt to changes or new conditions. Every vector has it's peculiarities. 

In this connection one of the most obvious reasons of stress is the discrepancy between environmental pressures and human qualities, and it relates to both the strength of the pressures and the sphere of it's appliance. Particularly if a situation demands fast reaction, then for a person with the anal vector it leads to stress. The same thing happens if they lock a dermal man in a room and oblige him to do work with thoroughness and perfection, he will go crazy for one or two days. 


As for the strength of the pressure, it indicates the degree of a vector's development: for a person who works as a manager for one or two years, everything is fine, but up to a definite point. At some moment the environment will ask for a degree of development that he doesn't possess and it results in stress and possibly a discharge from his employer. 

The different qualities of the same vector can achieve different levels of development in different people. More developed people get along with stress longer and better than undeveloped ones. A developed person of the dermal vector does everything fast and effectively, he is an ideal engineer. A less developed (or archetypical) type doesn't have this ability and starts giving up – he fusses around instead of taking the right actions, he can't organize neither himself nor others. 

Analogically, for example, the first practical training in medical universities is a testing the development of the visual vector. A developed visual person who is able to sympathize for other people's pain sustains the appearance of blood and unpleasant looking diseases. At the same time, less developed visual students find that it is a big stress, some even abandon their studies. 


There is another important source of stress, the inability for men to switch from exploiting one of their vector qualities over to another when conditions require it, in other words, its the inability to comply with a new environment. The problem is common among people with a few vectors (“polymorphs”). It can be observed in two ways either a person originally is not developed enough and can't control his own qualities or (if we mean a balanced person) a person who happenes to be stressed and can't get control of his qualities, switched over to the necessary vector (for example, a fast, dermal reaction switched into an anal stupor) which only strengthens the stress at hand. 

A less obvious yet effective way to gain stress is through the in-fulfillment of vector needs. Vector Systems Psychology reveals additional peculiarities of stress. Every vector provides a person with desires and needs. The visual vector wants emotions, deep feelings, love and sympathy. Long term failure in satisfying the vector leads to stress that ends in hysterics. The audial vector gets fulfilled with the search of the connections between god, life's meaning, the surrounding world cognition and their individual place in it. In this case, long dissatisfaction leads to bad conditions accompanied with suicidal thoughts and attempts to commit suicide. 

The thing is that the environment demands our natural roles be executed, therefore people are born with specific qualities and needs. When they don't satisfy their desires, it means that they don't bring certain psychical qualities into play, which obviously reduces our chances to survive in the case of greater levels of environmental stress. It is like muscle atrophy. 

How to get rid of stress? An irrelevant question. Why do we need stress? Not relevant either. Why is environmental pressure present? For us not to stay put, but move and develop. Human development is all about movement. Every step of development should be faster and it calls for more energy and psychological effort. As it is in the environment, life's situations always create conditions that require maximum efficiency and provide people with an optimal psychological capacity. The psychology of stress is important, so when we execute our natural roles we experience huge psychological pleasures. When we don't cope with a role, we stress. 

Considering the fact that every desire and aspiration we have are always supported with our abilities. The principle of “only the strong survive” takes on a different shape: “How do I provide myself with maximum realization within society” and “a prolonged stress doesn't threaten a realized person”. 
In vector systems psychology trainings you can find out how to do all this.

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5005 people.
Posted on: June 2, 2013
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