The Foundation of System-Vector Psychology

The Foundation of System-Vector Psychology

Sigmund Freud discovered a direct, innate connection between erogenous zones and character in 1907 in the work called 'Character and anal eroticism'. It was the first 'anal erogenous zone'.

The work Freud began was continued by ViktOr Konstantinovich Tolkachyov. Under the direction of his teacher (a famous Doctor of Psychology and professor of psychology department of Saint-Petersburg State University) Vladimir Ganzen, he discovered the rest of the seven erogenous zones and revealed the connection between them and a life's scenario. Freud's work on anal zone and character and Ganzen's brilliant discovery of a quaternary universe become a base for Tolkachyov's work.

Tolkachyov named every erogenous zone accordingly: anal, dermal, muscular, urethral, audial, visual, olfactory and oral.

When people hear these names they get scared. Please, don't. At first they can make you smile and grate on your ears. Soon, you stop paying attention to it.

Tolkachyov described and discovered not only the direct connection between a man and the vector but also it's 'doom' to a specific realization during his life, the execution of a role within a group (a chief, a cave keeper, a hunter, a warrior etc) 

He described in a simple and recognizable way a dermal archetype in a primitive group and then each member's role of it. It is easy for any person to draw a parallel between ancient and modern times, to recognize roles in themselves, in friends and passers by (an urethral chief, an olfactory counselor, a dermal hunter, an anal teacher and a muscular warrior, a nocturnal guard, a visual day guard etc.) When they recognize a vector in a person, they know everything about their habits, qualities, thoughts and desires. They know what to expect from people and how to interact with them. 

Victor Tolkachyov met Yuri Burlan in 2000. 

Yuri Burlan made a big step forward. He expanded and completed Tolkachyov- Ganzen theory and founded a broad study. 

Yuri Burlan's theory on the octal system of the universe lets divide everything in the world perceived by us in eight functional parts. 

There is a real godsend in the following article by S. Freud that System-Vector Psycology based on:



Among those whom we try to help by our psycho-analytic efforts we often come across a type of person who is marked by the possession of a certain set of character-traits, while at the same time our attention is drawn to the behaviour in his childhood of one of his bodily functions and the organ concerned in it. I cannot say at this date what particular occasions began to give me an impression that there was some organic connection between this type of character and this behaviour of an organ, but I can assure the reader that no theoretical expectation played any part in that impression.

Accumulated experience has so much strengthened my belief in the existence of such a connection that I am venturing to make it the subject of a communication.

The people I am about to describe are noteworthy for a regular combination of the three following characteristics. They are especially orderly, parsimonious and obstinate. Each of these words actually covers a small group or series of interrelated character-traits. ‘Orderly’ covers the notion of bodily cleanliness, as well as of conscientiousness in carrying out small duties and trustworthiness. Its opposite would be ‘untidy’ and ‘neglectful’. Parsimony may appear in the exaggerated form of avarice; and obstinacy can go over into defiance, to which rage and revengefulness are easily joined. The two latter qualities - parsimony and obstinacy are linked with each other more closely than they are with the first - with orderliness. They are, also, the more constant element of the whole complex. Yet it seems to me incontestable that all three in some way belong together.

It is easy to gather from these people’s early childhood history that they took a comparatively long time to overcome their infantile incontinentia alvi [faecal incontinence], and that even in later childhood they suffered from isolated failures of this function. As infants, they seem to have belonged to the class who refuse to empty their bowels when they are put on the pot because they derive a subsidiary pleasure from defaecating;¹ for they tell us that even in somewhat later years they enjoyed holding back their stool, and they remember - though more readily about their brothers and sisters than about themselves - doing all sorts of unseemly things with the faeces that had been passed. From these indications we infer that such people are born with a sexual constitution in which the erotogenicity of the anal zone is exceptionally strong. But since none of these weaknesses and idiosyncracies are to be found in them once their childhood has been passed, we must conclude that the anal zone had lost its erotogenic significance in the course of development; and it is to be suspected that the regularity with which this triad of properties is present in their character may be brought into relation with the disappearance of their anal erotism.

I know that no one is prepared to believe in a state of things so long as it appears to be unintelligible and to offer no angle from which an explanation can be attempted. But we can at least bring the underlying factors nearer to our understanding by the help of the postulates I laid down in my Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality in 1905. I there attempted to show that the sexual instinct of man is highly complex and is put together from contributions made by numerous constituents and component instincts. Important contributions to ‘sexual excitation’ are furnished by the peripheral excitations of certain specially designated parts of the body (the genitals, mouth, anus, urethra), which therefore deserve to be described as ‘erotogenic zones’. But the amounts of excitation coming in from these parts of the body do not all undergo the same vicissitudes, nor is the fate of all of them the same at every period of life. Generally speaking, only a part of them is made use of in sexual life; another part is deflected from sexual aims and directed towards others - a process which deserves the name of ‘sublimation’. During the period of life which may be called the period of ‘sexual latency’ - i.e. from the completion of the fifth year to the first manifestations of puberty (round about the eleventh year) - reaction-formations, or counter-forces, such as shame, disgust and morality, are created in the mind. They are actually formed at the expense of the excitations proceeding from the erotogenic zones, and they rise like dams to oppose the later activity of the sexual instincts. Now anal erotism is one of the components of the instinct which, in the course of development and in accordance with the education demanded by our present civilization, have become unserviceable for sexual aims. It is therefore plausible to suppose that these character-traits of orderliness, parsimony and obstinacy, which are so often prominent in people who were formerly anal erotics, are to be regarded as the first and most constant results of the sublimation of anal erotism.

The intrinsic necessity for this connection is not clear, of course, even to myself. But I can make some suggestions which may help towards an understanding of it. Cleanliness, orderliness and trustworthiness give exactly the impression of a reaction-formation against an interest in what is unclean and disturbing and should not be part of the body. (‘Dirt is matter in the wrong place.’)2 To relate obstinacy to an interest in defaecation would seem no easy task; but it should be remembered that even babies can show self-will about parting with their stool, as we have seen above, and that it is a general practice in children’s upbringing to administer painful stimuli to the skin of the buttocks which is linked up with the erotogenic anal zone - in order to break their obstinacy and make them submissive. An invitation to a caress of the anal zone is still used to-day, as it was in ancient times, to express defiance or defiant scorn, and thus in reality signifies an act of tenderness that has been overtaken by repression. An exposure of the buttocks represents a softening down of this spoken invitation into a gesture; in Goethe’s Götz von Berlichingen both words and gesture are introduced at the most appropriate point as an expression of defiance.

The connections between the complexes of interest in money and of defaecation, which seem so dissimilar, appear to be the most extensive of all. Every doctor who has practised psycho-analysis knows that the most refractory and long-standing cases of what is described as habitual constipation in neurotics can be cured by that form of treatment. This is less surprising if we remember that that function has shown itself similarly amenable to hypnotic suggestion. But in psycho-analysis one only achieves this result if one deals with the patients’ money complex and induces them to bring it into consciousness with all its connections. It might be supposed that the neurosis is here only following as indication of common usage in speech, which calls a person who keeps too careful a hold on his money ‘dirty’ or ‘filthy’.3 But this explanation would be far too superficial. In reality, wherever archaic modes of thought have predominated or persist - in the ancient civilizations, in myths, fairy tales and superstitions, in unconscious thinking, in dreams and in neuroses - money is brought into the most intimate relationship with dirt. We know that the gold which the devil gives his paramours turns into excrement after his departure, and the devil is certainly nothing else than the personification of the repressed unconscious instinctual life.4 We also know about the superstition which connects the finding of treasure with defaecation, and everyone is familiar with the figure of the ‘shitter of ducats [Dukatenscheisser]’.5 Indeed, even according to ancient Babylonian doctrine gold is ‘the faeces of Hell’ (Mammon = ilu manman6). Thus in following the usage of language, neurosis, here as elsewhere, is taking words in their original, significant sense, and where it appears to be using a word figuratively it is usually simply restoring its old meaning.
It is possible that the contrast between the most precious substance known to men and the most worthless, which they reject as waste matter (‘refuse’¹), has led to this specific identification of gold with faeces.
Yet another circumstance facilitates this equation in neurotic thought. The original erotic interest in defaecation is, as we know, destined to be extinguished in later years. In those years the interest in money makes its appearance as a new interest which had been absent in childhood. This makes it easier for the earlier impulsion, which is in process of losing its aim, to be carried over to the newly emerging aim.

If there is any basis in fact for the relation posited here between anal erotism and this triad of character-traits, one may expect to find no very marked degree of ‘anal character’ in people who have retained the anal zone’s erotogenic character in adult life, as happens, for instance, with certain homosexuals. Unless I am much mistaken, the evidence of experience tallies quite well on the whole with this inference.

We ought in general to consider whether other character complexes, too, do not exhibit a connection with the excitations of particular erotogenic zones. At present I only know of the intense ‘burning’ ambition of people who earlier suffered from enuresis. We can at any rate lay down a formula for the way in which character in its final shape is formed out of the constituent instincts: the permanent character-traits are either unchanged prolongations of the original instincts, or sublimations of those instincts, or reaction-formations against them.

Genius and simplicity of Vladimir Ganzan's observation of the universe contains in a creation of the quaternary matrix, “A reality of the world perceived can be described with spacial, temporal, energetic and informative characteristics.” On the basis of the matrix Tolkachyov makes up a three-dimensional cubic matrix wherein he defines every characteristics by erogenous zones. 

Time – urethral and anal; 
Space – dermal and muscular;
Information – visual and audial;
Energy – olfactory and oral erogenous zones.

Further according to every characteristic, Tolkachyov defines primary relations between every zone and a group (outwards). He presents a sketch of basic qualities and describes a primary group as a whole object. 

On Freud's base and definitions he gave 'erogenous zone', 'archetype', 'rationalization', 'sublimation' including his genius breakthrough – the guess in an anal erogenous zone definition, Tolkachyov describes the other seven. The research of these three men provided with a good basis of a final discovery in psychology. They didn't succeed to set up a new bulb but built stairs up to the ceiling. 

Yuri Burlan completed collective work by the description of an octal universe. He created a projection in the opposite direction from an erogenous zone passing a primary group, to metaphysical meaning of every eight parts of the universe. He researched the essence and meaning of every dimension in the world connecting it with an octal man. 

Yuri Burlan specified all erogenous characteristics of a modern man and created accurate, testable sevenfold (7+1) relations of all eight vectors inward and outward, he also detected metaphysical roots, meaning of every vector. 

It is impossible to talk about Freud, Ganzen, Tolkachyov and Burlan separately. All of them made a breakthrough in self-cognition science. 

Nowadays there is a complete basis testable sevenfold basis of an octal human as the highest development of the universe. They psycho-synthesize and reveal determined by nature life-scenarios, a man's destiny manifested inside, within a couple, within a group and mentality hoping for the completion of a universe plan as self-cognition, the revelation of human's nature in subconsciousness. For the first time we are able to observe physical consequences of metaphysical reasons accurately and easy to check seven times without tension and concentration as if it went without saying.

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Posted on: October 25, 2013
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