Suicide-attackers, who are they?

Suicide-attackers, who are they?

Wide-scale terrorist attacks always mean a lot of victims, bloodshed, deaths, terror and grief. Survivors of the attack usually need a long-term psychotherapy to overcome the consequences of this horrible event. People watching TV can't believe their eyes. Who does all these things and why? Are these suicide-terrorists insane?! Why would anyone need to kill innocent children, women and elderly people?! What motivates suicide-bombers?

According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, all ideas arise from the audial vector. Not just common ideas, but big ideas of the global level: anarchism, socialism, communism, nazism are all the fruits of an audial mind. 

To some extent idea generation is an indirect way of finding the meaning of life (this is what every audial person is consciously or subconsciously concerned by). Besides they need powerful ideas which can unite masses of people together. As you know, the inborn task of an audial person is not only to wake up at night, but to alert the whole group as well. 

Building a bright communist future, flights to space, development of an atomic bomb as a weapon of mass destruction and many other things come from the audial vector. A human life has no value for the audial vector (it concerns any life, his own as well). The only thing which matters for them is the Idea. That’s why when the most of the audial ideas are put into practice, this process is usually accompanied by mass deaths. Unimplemented ideas have the same potential. 


Just think of the price we had to pay for the idea of nazism or how many innocents had to die while building the bright communist future! What was the death toll of a nuclear bomb invention?!

Religious ideas are a specific topic. Even the most acknowledged world religions have their audial imperfections. Take the Crusades as an example. 

As for such groups as sects, their leader is always an underdeveloped audial person. An “unhealthy” person can produce “unhealthy” ideas only. He organizes a sect and declares himself the messiah.

Who joins a sect? The audial and visual vectors are always together like matrix and patrix (the upper and lower parts of a matrix). A sect is no exception to the rule. Other audial people usually don’t stay long unless they are in a very undeveloped state. The majority of sect recruits are easily suggestible visual people. 

Terrorist groups are built according to the same scenario. Formally, most of them are created on the basis of a religious “disagreement” sometimes combined with nationalist motives (with calls for to revenge a nation-offender). 

But no matter how terrorists rationalize their ideas or actions, the idea to kill hundreds or even thousands of innocent people can only come to an unhealthy audial vector.

There are a lot of peaceful Muslims all over the world who would never threaten to or hurt anyone. Only unhealthy audials organize extremist groups and attract many, first of all, the visual people, who easily become inspired by any idea. They can also attract muscular 'warriors'; it is enough to show them how to reload a gun and where to shoot. As for corrupt dermals, they can join because of an opportunity to get easy money.

One audial person in an unhealthy state can easily induce a small group of people, this is how sects are usually formed. Sometimes they can deal with quite a large group, for example, the way it was with Hitler, but in that case some other factors were involved.

There aren't wordly desires in the audial vector. The person who bear it is not interested in women, sex, money or social status. His failure to find an answer to the subconscious question “What is the meaning of life?” makes his existence absolutely worthless. Being unable to enjoy the very core of his nature, an unhealthy audial person starts hating life. His biggest dream is to see the world exploding so that he himself can disappear with it.


Just think of an audial person in chronic depression, buried deep inside of himself and avoiding any contact with the world. The only satisfying thing for him is unconscious joy that news about imminent danger bring. He brightens up when hears about events like economic collapse, volcanic eruption, political upheaval or a deadly virus threatening human survival.

The larger the number of victims is, the livelier he becomes. Certainly such things as flooding, earthquake, and explosions in the metro are terrible. He doesn’t want anybody to die, he is not an insane terrorist! But his unconscious sufferings are so intense and unbearable, that being unable to take his own “good for nothing” life he wouldn’t mind if mankind as a whole disappeared from our planet. For him it would mean that his own suffering caused by living in this body will end as well. 

The sick and suffering audial vector creates ideas of terrorism and induces masses of people. The induced visual vector (his “younger” brother in the quartile) executes these ideas.

Terrorism is certainly the worst case scenario for an audial person as it can cost many lives.

When we understand the problem deeply and are able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy states of the audial vector, we will be able to deal with terrorism and destructive sects more efficiently. 

Today System-Vector Psychology enables us to grow a healthy generation of audial people.

Healthy audial ideas move the world forward. In their constant search for the meaning of life audial people make discoveries in physics, programming, psychiatry or create divine music and pieces of abstract art. They develop new ideas of progressive social changes, which can transform the world and create a future without terrorism.

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5008 people.
Posted on: June 2, 2013
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