Bringing Up Audial Children. Recommendations to Parents

Bringing Up Audial Children. Recommendations to Parents

An Audial child can express himself in various ways in his early years. He can be an implicitly silent, loving child. He may seem to be deeply immersed in his thoughts and it could take him a long time to start talking. He can, however, behave in completely the opposite manner by being the first one among his peers to start speaking. It is easier to determine the exact vectorial collection of a child, than to do so when he gets much older. 

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An Audial child is often pensive and generally independent, he does not demand much attention and can play alone for hours. Also, loud games make him tired quickly. Such children can hide in a cabinet or a dark closet and sit there very quietly, even fall asleep, while others look for him. Actually, he does not hide, so that others will look for him, he just wants a chance to think in silence. Thinking is generally his favorite hobby, even from the earliest days of his life. 

He surprises adults with a serous “non-childish” look. You approach him with 'baby' talk and in return, he looks at you in such a way, that you feel like a complete idiot! 

He starts asking questions about the meaning of life and infinity at what feels like too young an age. He has questions like: “Why do we live? Why is water wet? What was here before us?”

“If all of us die, who will be buying all those groceries?”- a little dermal girl with the audial vector worries at the supermarket. 

It is difficult to make him go to bed at night and is equally difficult to wake him up in the morning. These people are popularly referred to as “night owls”. It is always very difficult for him to get up and go to school, he literally falls asleep in his early lessons, or zones-out like a zombie. 

“Yes? What? Me? Are you talking to me?” - his typical reactions to the teacher’s attention. But still he is not at all inhibited, as some people around him may think. He just needs some personal time to escape from himself, after his escape he'll return to the external world and answer the teachers “irrelevant” questions. 

All children behave as they're expected to. They run around during school breaks; all of them act 'childish' apart form a self-absorbed audial child. He is odd, unsociable, and seems inactive in comparison to other loud jaunty children his age. Some can even say that he is “not of this world”, although the presence of other vectors besides the audial one may make this detachment less noticeable. 

Those children read a lot. Boys read fantasy books at an early age, while girls more often become poetry fans or visa versa. Then they move over to philosophy and astronomy. They like all kinds of music and have a good ear for music. 

They become fascinated by the moon and starts. They can be interested in social utopias and the idea of social change, as well as astrology, palmistry, and esoterism. They spend nights online. Audial children feel at home online from early age, a little Audial child often helps his mother download various computer programs. Some of them grow to become computer programmers. 

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When such a child grows a little, he can become somewhat arrogant, because he cannot find anyone “as intelligent” among his peers, it seems to him that he is the smartest. 

Does this description remind you of your child? If that is so, you have a huge responsibility for his upbringing and development. Nature has given your child huge potential!

The geniuses throughout history starting back with the founders of ancient world religions and even up to contemporary humanity’s best minds, including great philosophers, scientists, musicians, poets, writers, mathematicians, physicists and artists all carried a well-developed, realized audial vector. 


So, how should you bring up your future genius?

First of all try not to spoil things. Respect the audial child’s need to be alone at times, so that he can concentrate and sink deep inside of himself. This is vitally important need for him. Remember not to ever shake him from this state by means of snaps or noise. Do not distract his attention every five minutes with your questions, assignments or directions. 

However, it is equally important to stop the child from retiring into his shell. You should teach him to establish contact with the external world in a soft and unobtrusive manner. As it is, the audial people who have the most serious communication problems bear a chance of becoming autistic. Common knowledge of communication psychology will not help in this case. 

SCREAMING IS CONTRAINDICATED with such children! On no account can you raise your voice to such child, irritate him with noise or scream at another in his presence. Generally, the best thing to do is to organize a soundproof room for the child. It is also advisable to avoid creaking doors and the loud clatter of dishes. 

Screams are the worst thing imaginable for an audial person. In the presence of stress, neuronal connections responsible for the learning process in his brain get severed first, it is a sort of protection from constant screaming. The child simply stops recognizing those sounds and, as a result, stops being trainable through hearing. He retreats completely inside of himself, and this can become the trigger for mental disorders.

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Moreover, negative emotions directed at him influence his psychiatric health no less than screams and scandals. Certain words, even if they are whispered, can leave him in the state of neurosis forever. “Idiot! Freak! Why on Earth did I give birth to you?” - the mother whispers in his ear at the moment when her child’s detachment is irritating her. She does not realize that she is crippling him for the rest of his life. 

Nobody is born autistic or schizophrenic, audial people get these conditions thanks to the “efforts” or lack of understanding on the part of their parents along with their society represented by their teachers and educators. 

Parents and teachers often worry whether the audial child is developing normally. They have no idea about his congenital abilities and peculiarities, not knowing that they are dealing with an audial person. Instead they compare him to other children. 

If a primary school teacher sees that such a child is sitting quietly in a corner during the break while all the other children are running around and making noise, it seems strange to her, and she concludes that this child most likely lags in his mental development. When she asks a question during the lesson, she cannot imagine that the audial child is the first to answer. As for delay with his response, it only happens because he needs time to get back to the “external” world. 

In the process of getting older the childish directness of audial children can fade away more and more. Making them more and more inclined to solitude. They can start having “unreasonable” depressions as early as puberty. These depressions are a bad sign. You can read more on this topic in the “depression” and “suicide” chapters. 

An audial child has a subtle perception of words, sounds and senses. When dealing with such a delicate and fragile phenomenon, namely a small audial child’s mentality, the prices of your mistakes multiply. Instead of a theoretical physicist, an astronomer, a linguist, a musician, a poet or a philologist, you can bring up an autistic person, a drug addict, a sectarian fanatic, a suicidal person or a schizophrenic. It is very easy to do; the top is only a few wrong steps away from the bottom. 

There are no minor things here. There is a need for precise knowledge and understanding of the relative causality. 

This knowledge is discussed fully at Yuri Burlan’s Vectors System Psychology Training. At this training you will not just receive general recommendations about such upbringing, you will be able to literally take a look inside of the very complicated, mysterious, internal world of your baby. You'll learn to understand him the way nobody else would. You should also remember that it is impossible for an audial child to have any bottom vectors, and that an individual has an average of three to four vectors. A complete, complex development of all your childs' vectors is very important!

You will lose precious time by bringing an audial child into boxing or academic drawing, instead you should enroll him in schools for young physicists, computer programmers, make him study poetry or take him to a music school. 

You will bring up and develop your child, not by trial and error, but in a purposeful and creative way. Because the best thing parents can do for their children is securing a healthy, intellectual and psychological development for them to ensure a complete, realization of their future, adult life.

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5022 people.
Posted on: June 2, 2013
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