Hyperactive children are the hope for evolution

Hyperactive children are the hope for evolution

Hyperactive children. What are they like? What does make them special? What do they have in common with each other? Why do they behave their way, and what actually happens when we start treating them with sedatives?

These children can’t concentrate their attention on anything, don’t finish their work, always move around, run or climb somewhere, jump, start fighting , run their fingers over things or turn their heads around.

It’s very hard to calm them down and it is more harder to put them to bed: they aimlessly rush around to exhaustion and the loss of strength. Even at night they are restless - fidget in bed and constantly wake up.

There is no way you can bring to their understanding the rules of behavior in public. This is the way they are - hyperactive always and everywhere.


Hyperactive children tend to have problems with academic performance. This happens for several reasons. First, it’s the lack of attention: they are unable to concentrate on a subject for more than two minutes, they are constantly switching over something else and getting distracted. Secondly, such behaviour causes teachers or tutors to have a negative attitude towards a hyperactive fidget.

Moreover, their natural inability to follow any rules and to be obedient make the precarious situation even more complex because there is no authority for them at all including their parents. They often aggressively react to any restriction and punishment which becomes a reason for counseling a psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist. However the psychology of a hyperactive child is not clear even to them and this often leads to very sad consequences.

Today, there are several theories of the development of ADHD, although none of them has been proved so far.

The predisposing factors can be as follows: heredity, harmful effects on a fetus during pregnancy, cesarean section, post natal complications, nervous system diseases at early age; and social factors can be: the loss of parents, alcoholism, drug addiction, upbringing within unfavorable social environment.

In the West the only solution to the problems with a hyperactive child is the use of medications suppressesing the activity of the psyche. This dangerous tendency is also observed in Russia today.

Yury Burlan's System-Vector Psychology offers a new solution to the above-described problem. The System-Vector Psychology reveals the true causes and nature of hyperactivity, allows us to see what the destructive effect the use of medications which suppress brain activity can bring.



Ones of the liveliest and the most active children are the children with the dermal vector. A child with this vector is a natural born breadwinner, a fast and agile hunter with the fast metabolism. Motion, changes of scenery and environment (a novelty factor) bring them joy. He is urged by the desire to be number one, to be one step ahead of the others, to win any, even their own invented competitions.


Having logical type of thinking focused on advantage and profit, the little hunters without a proper motivation can decide that studies won't bring them any profit, therefore they are not worth their time and effort.

They instantly adapt to changing environmental conditions, being flexible and having fast reaction, these children can do several things at once, but it's hard for them to be concentrated on one thing and bring it to an end.

The basic directions in upbringing of children with the dermal vector are adequate discipline with logical explanation of placed on the child restrictions and well-organized system of incentives. They can take advantage of their excessive energy in sports and camping.

Qualities of any vector can be developed only in conditions of a moderate pressure of a landscape, when we learn to adapt them to the requirements of the modern world.

In the future children with the dermal vector can be the best sportsmen, businessmen, solders, leaders, engineers, innovators, lawmakers, but this is only possible when there are optimal conditions for their development and implementation of their qualities.



Children with the urethral vector is one more at-risk group who can go through the treatment with special medications. They are uncontrollable but were born to lead people, they don’t recognize any laws and rules, but have innate sense of mercy and justice.

The mission of an urethral person is to take the role of a leader. They lead the group of people towards the future and these people are ensured by their chief's hot-bloodness, endurance, non-standard strategic thinking, exuberant physical and mental energy.

Subconsciously feeling their highest rank, urethral children don’t take any instructions directed from top to down, for them there are no authority or imposed rules of behavior, and when the parents try to punish them they aggressively react to it.

The principles of parenting, which enable development and implementation of traits of a little chief are to respect their rank, address to them slightly upwards as if you ask advice from them and train their sense of responsibility for others - "If not you, then who?"


In the future the developed urethral children become the outstanding creative people, pilots, great voyagers, discoverers, the heads of the most successful companies and even presidents of countries.

The undeveloped urethral children can either find their group in a criminal world or they become “lone wolves” who try to confirm their ranks seeking an unreasonable risks and depart this life quite early.



Any wrong interference on psyche at the sensitive stage of development, which is generally possible only until the end of puberty (when children are 12-15 year old), is fraught with the 'crippled' fate, or at least, with insufficient development of qualities in the child and, as a consequence, the lack of full implementation in the adult life.

What happens when innate hyperactivity begins being treated with sedatives? Their natural qualities do not develop. In fact, we kill psyche of our children, suppressing the desire to move, to grow, to evolve, and to adapt to the world.

Dermal potential Olympic champions or a ballet dancers remain on the amateur dance or morning gymnastics level.

The innate tendency for saving turns into home parsimony instead of developing into the level of preserving human resources by inventing scientific technologies.

In the urethral vector, it is even worse. If we do not allow these children to run, rush headlong forward not seeing any restrictions, we are depriving society of this driving force, and in some sense, deprive us of the future.

ADHD. Is it the devil really so terrible?

Children are diagnosed ADHD only in the past two decades. What is the reason?


The fact is that whether we recognize it or not, the last generations of children are, far ahead of us in terms of development, both intellectual and psychological. They considerably earlier become adults, almost independently learn to read, write, ask challenging for parents questions, they quickly learn to use computers, and the Internet.

The observations concerning this question made by the people who had attended the training show us that a significantly stronger desire of the modern children (in relation to the previous generations), on the one hand means the biggest potential for the development, on the other hand - greater efforts from a person to implement oneself in the future are required. The choice of today’s parents is whether to bring up a genius or a degenerate.

In the case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the most important thing that every parent should understand is that it does not exist. There are vector qualities, the inborn mental abilities of a child which when properly directed later unfold in the most positive way.

Knowing and developing those natural qualities of children with dermal vector will eventually turn them into disciplined, law-abiding architects, logisticians or business men.

And children with urethral vector will conquer new peaks and do the best they can do for society, the state and the people. The fact that they are not like us does not mean that they are sick and needed to be treated. What is really needed is to understand the qualities of their vectors and to develop them in the right direction.

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5019 people.
Posted on: October 15, 2013
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