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A case in medical practice: The problem child

“Doctor, I have problems with my mother and my child. I was told that you know a new technique that could help me.” read more
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Somatization: Symptom – a sign of a physical disease or suffering of the soul?

How to distinguish somatization from a physical disease? How to understand if the symptoms in each case follow a serious disease or are the result of transformations of psychological stress into physical discomfort, illness or changes in bodily sensations? read more
Article was read by: 5021 p.

Anorexia. How I dieted to Death

Do not expect to be taught how to feed an anorexic by attending the vector systems psychology training. You will be given the understanding of who the anorexic patients are, how one can get anorexia and, accordingly, how to prevent the disease. And if such a problem already exists, you will understand where it came from and how to work with it. read more
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Why is it so difficult to lose weight?

No matter what people say, including those who are on their way to be slim, successful weight loss brings fantastic relief and positive life changes, like a dream coming true. Of course, a fit body is not an end in itself. Few realize that a good shape is not the result of diet though. read more
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