The visual vector

The visual vector

The beauty will save the world!
Out of sight out of mind!
Fear has a hundred eyes!


Archetype: The creation of culture increasing the value of personal and group lives.

Role: In peaceful times, she is children's teacher. During times of conflict, she is a day guard.



The highest comfort color is green.

The highest comfort geometry is a circle.

Position in the quartile is the outer part of information quartile; an absolute extrovert.

Type of intellect is visual.



Sigmund Freud described in this works “ a hysterical personality” without even knowing it that he actually meant a stressed visual vector. As a psychiatrist, Freud made his observations based on pathological states, therefore, the healthy visual vector was not described by him. Nowadays, System-Vector Psychology, for the first time in history, defines all aspects of this type including what is considered to be the norm.

The visual vector executed their function of a day guard in a primitive society. Sensitivity of their visual receptors allowed them to see the slightest changes in their surroundings. No one besides a visual man could detect a spotted leopard in the shade of a tree. They are very attentive people with eyes like a hawk that simply can't miss a detail. The visual person has a strong ability to differentiate colors and discern smells so they take pleasure in wearing expensive perfumes and cosmetics. In the same way, they are very sensitive to unpleasant odors.

The visual person's learning capabilities are the top in the world because humans receive 99% of our information through our eyes. They have the biggest potential to develop their visual intellect.

One more quality that a visual person has to have in order to play their role, is a wide emotional amplitude. They have to be able to experience tremendous fear to be able to instantly warn the group about danger. Her sense of fear would be detected by the group and they would run away.


In the present day, visual people are very emotionally developed. They say, “Make a mountain out of a molehill”. This means that they promote an exaggerated emotional experience for every situation. However, we see that the ability to do so is instinctual in order to perform their role.

Visual emotional range varies between two peaks - love and fear. Fear is a primitive and original state that is “inward”; I fear for myself and for my life.

In the process of development, the state of fear becomes outward. Fear for others turns into love. Almost everything that is considered to be either a fear or a phobia relates to the visual vector.

The greatest visual fear is the fear of darkness. It is impossible to see danger in the dark. A visual child can be switched from the state of fear into the state of love by reading books that make them sympathize. Compassion and sympathy towards the main characters leads emotions in the right direction. Intellect develops in sync with sensitivity and emotion.


Never read scary fairy tales to visual children. It makes them focus on fear and it interferes strongly with further development. For the same reason, it is better for visual children not to attend funerals because it is a traumatizing experience that causes stress and a lot of unpleasant emotions.

A child’s fixation on the state of fear deprives them of the ability to move from the state of love to the state of fear as an adult. Seeing a person with fear is equivalent to seeing a visual person. Visual people like to scare themselves, watch scary movies, go to cemeteries at night, and read stories about the beyond. Death and everything connected to it frightens the visual person. A hysterical visual person in a negative , unrealized state has an inclination toward death. He finds satisfaction in being scared, surrounding himself with accessories that remind his of death. This way, they can make an internal substitution by turning themselves into a source of fear, thus making them feel that they are not scared of anything.

Going out of the archetypical state of fear, its sublimation means one can turn their fear into the ability to sympathize for others. The ability to be sympathetic has four consequential levels: inanimate, vegetative, animal and speaking. The highest possible level that the visual vector can be sublimed with is love for other people.

People of the visual vector are the weakest in a group. Their immune system is also fragile. They are the first to get sick during seasonal epidemics. They say, “Neither fish nor fowl”. They are not able to kill because they feel sorry for everything: fish, elephants, spiders, and even the microbes in their body. The visual vector 's inner essence is one of anti-murder.

A visual person is aware that they are the first to die. They are not able to protect themselves. There are two points to note: firstly, they are scared to lose their life in the state of fear or in the state of love. Secondly, with an emotion directed outward, they create the prerequisites for understanding the value of life. Considering the state of love, the visual vector increases the importance and inviolacy of life for the whole world.

The elder brother in the quartile of information. The audial type is tortured while in search for life's meaning, but for a visual man, an answer to this question is simple. His life's meaning is love.


Developed to the state of love, a visual person directs all their abundant emotional amplitude outward. He is able to feel the emotional state of another person and sympathize. A developed visual person understands the psychology of communication through emotional sensitivity. He can relate with the emotional state of another person and is able to share it. The mature visual person, through sympathizing, overwhelms other people's stress with their emotional amplitude. So, a stronger emotion consumes a weaker one.

For example, a dermal friend with a masochistic life scenario is beaten by her husband. She comes to her visual girl-friend to complain and tell her about this misfortune with her eyes dry. The visual friend cries her eyes out for both of them, thus balancing the emotional state of her dermal friend. A visual person is a psychotherapist by nature.

Earthly love exists only in the visual vector. In relationships between a man and a woman, developed visual vectors can feel the deepest, sincerest, selfless and most genuine love toward one another.

The visual person whose state of fear has not turned into the state of love, has an absolute need to be satisfied emotionally. If this is the case, then they experience infatuation instead of breathtaking love and can fall in love for five minutes with anyone from an actor, to a neighbor or to a fellow passenger.

So, their fulfillment is directed towards themselves.

They demand attention and empathy for themselves, instead of giving love and sympathy to others. They notice changes in appearance instead of the depth of emotions, and of course, the most important thing to them is the way they look. They always try to attract attention with a catchy and demonstrative look and in the worst cases they can be exhibitionists. The stress on either external or internal beauty directly depends on the degree of development. A developed visual person’s desire to get naked is expressed in sincerity (as soul baring), whereas an immature visual person gets naked only on a physical level.


A visual person who is unable to realize she is in love and can experience empathy gets immersed in fears, often going off into hysterics because she did not find a use for her emotions. One of the ways to call attention is emotional blackmail. In difficult cases, suicide attempts can occur. It is very important, though, to be able to make a clear distinction between a visual manipulation and a real attempt to commit suicide by a depressed audial vector.

Due to their wide emotional amplitude, the visual man is very impressionable. Everything happening around him gives rise to a storm of emotions. Any kind of incident will not go unnoticed. They will sympathize with all people involved. The inner state of love allows a visual person to cry sincerely because they feel sympathy for even the characters in novels and movies. It is bewildering to everybody around them, “Oh, what is happening to you?! It is just a movie, a work of fiction. There is no reason to cry”. The display of sympathy and compassion can seem difficult to understand even to those people of the visual vector whose emotions and sensibility have not developed to the level of being “outward” from the state of fear within themselves, which is the state of love and compassion for other people.

Impressionability of the visual people who mostly experience the state of fear becomes anxiety that arouses inner discomfort and tension. They are easy to hypnotize and are often gullible. It is the visual vector who becomes the victim of fortunetellers and charlatans.

Another example of the visual gullibility is their extremely powerful ability to make self-suggestions. A visual person creates images and believes in them so strongly that it becomes reality for them. One should also note that auto-trainings and placebos bring the best results to people of the visual vector.

A visual person is a dreamer who can present fiction as the absolute truth to others by means of their high degree of impressionability. Sometimes they can make it seem that  fiction is more accurate than the truth.

It is important to point out that the visual vector isn't described in masculine gender. In primitive society, visual men did not exist. They all either died at birth or were eaten. These pitiful and delicate boys could not execute any useful function for their communities. They could not be warriors or hunters so they were just dropped as worthless burden. They did not have a role.

The first who gained the right to survive was an anal-visual man with the help of a dermal-visual queen. He made jewelry for her. The last type of visual men who were given a cultural right to survive was the dermal-visual man. The cancellation of cannibalism is the beginning of culture as we understand it today.

From this point of view, the visual man fell far behind the visual woman who thousands of years earlier started developing her sensitivity and emotions and brought them to the highest level. The visual man's life scenario has not been fully worked through, hence its roots in transvestism and some forms of homosexuality. Still, society interprets a dermal-visual man as a woman. However, this is not true. Men in women’s bodies do not exist. Visual men are about to face the level at which they can finish the cultural development for all of humanity.

The way we all see the world, shades and differences that build up our perception, is dictated by the visual part of humanity. The visual vector is ahead of the rest of the world in knowledge and creates the reality for all people to perceive. There is also a reverse side of fiction – illusion, fantasy and mirage. 


“The pleasure derived from contemplation in the visual vector is called “beautiful”. Furthermore everything depends on the degree of development and the direction of the visual vector”.

“The development of the visual vector in modern society is tied directly to pure beauty, neither in paintings nor in art but in love for one another".

Yuri Burlan 

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The article is based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training
Article was read by 5009 people.
Posted on: May 26, 2013
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