System-Vector Psychology trainings give you the most accurate idea of the human's mental content and allows you to solve quite any sort of problems and issues directly or indirectly related to the human psyche.
The online training on our website is a rare opportunity to learn about the method from its original source. Yuri Burlan has been giving these trainings for over 15 years, for the last 10 years the training is available online. More than 17,000 of people have completed the trainings including free lectures and those that are available for a fee. These people left more than 23,000 testimonials about their practical, stable and unique results that they were not able to achieve otherwise.
The testimonials are published in Russian here If you are interested to find a testimonial on a particular problem, contact our Support, ask your question and leave your email, we will contact you back within 48 hours.
Anyone can take this training. There is no need in special education or diploma. You can watch and listen it on your desktop at home, smartphone or any other device with the Internet connection.
What to start with?
System-Vector Psychology Free classes
We recommend you to start with a course of our free lectures given once in 2 months here on our website. These are 4 lectures of around 3-4 hours each giving you the unique and extremely useful material on the human psyche that you will not fine anywhere else.
These free lectures are the beginning of our full course of trainings of the first level, but given free. This is a great opportunity for you to get familiar with the method of System-Vector Psychology and get your first positive emotions from the incredibly accurate systemic observations of the human psyche manifestations. You will also learn about the causes and ways of resolution of many serious problems and decide it for yourself if you want to continue to study this method further.
Find more about our free classes and register here:
System-Vector Psychology 1st Level
The first level training includes 12-15 classes and gives you the basic information on the system of vectors in its entirety, as well as on each of the eight vectors in detail: dermal, anal, urethral, visual, audial, oral, olfactory and muscular. The training is given online twice a week. Lectures start at 22.00 Moscow time. One lecture lasts for 5-6 hours.
To enroll in our educational program, proceed to fill in the registration form here:
System-Vector Psychology Other Trainings
After the first level you can master your system thinking using our additional System-Vector Psychology trainings and productsю
The second level training will give you understanding of:
how vectors combine in one person;
the origin of different life scenarios and complexes;
influence of different vectors on forming mentality of different peoples;
many aspects of social being.
In addition to the trainings of the first and second levels, we give specialized thematic trainings (2 classes each).
Thematic classes “Female Sexuality” are probably the most popular on our list and effectively deal with family and male-female relationship, sexuality and gender issues.
"The Audial Vector. Spiritual search or depression" classes are everything about conscious thinking, mindfulness and discovery of life purpose.
Another popular topic widely covered by our products is child development and parenting. In particular, we highly recommend thematic classes "Raising of children in the light of elimination of psychological illiteracy".
Thematic classes "Business and Money" go much farther beyond motivational speaking and positive thinking. It provides for understanding of the unconscious reasons for all our problems in business in order to eliminate them. Knowledges that you get from our trainings work more than effectively in any sphere of business and commerce be it productivity and income enhancement, goal setting, leadership development or teambuilding. Not speaking about human resources - it is a must for a professional engaged in recruiting, personnel selection and training, to have “System-Vector Psychology” training in his/her portfolio.
To enroll in our educational program, proceed to fill in the registration form here:
Besides education services and consulting, we devote to production articles, films and video recordings featuring subjects of psychology and psychotherapy, human nature and behavior. In our videos and articles you will find analysis of issues related to psychosomatic diseases and disorders, anxiety and depression, autism and other developmental disorders, stress and emotional issues, fears and phobia, social issues.
System-Vector Psychology videos:
System-Vector Psychology articles: